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100 N. Atkinson
Suite #104
Grayslake, IL 60030


Monday, October 22, 2018 8:24 AM

Brushing your teeth may seem like a simple thing you need to keep up with each day, but did you know that slacking on your oral hygiene can lead to more serious problems? Studies have shown, many health issues can be linked to poor dental hygiene such as diabetes, pneumonia, heart conditions, kidney disease, and more. Below you’ll find a few key tips in keeping your mouth as healthy as it can be for a lifetime.

  1. Brush Your Entire Mouth
    Your teeth aren’t the only thing in your mouth that you need to take care of. Your gums, tongue, and the roof of your mouth all need to be taken care of as well. Make sure your brush is coming into contact with your teeth and gum line, and move your toothbrush side to side and up and down to get to all the right spots. Finish up by gently brushing the roof of your mouth and tongue.
  2. Remember to Floss
    Brushing regularly is a great habit to get into, but flossing can also help keep your mouth healthy. Find the right brand of floss that you actually like to use, or you can try the handheld flossing wands. Flossing gets rid of all the debris and other substances that get stuck between your teeth.
  3. Check Your Diet
    For many people, this isn’t something they think about when it comes to the health of their mouth. While the foods we eat taste good and many are good for us, there are some foods and drinks that we need to watch out for that can cause damage to our teeth. Coffee, tea, soft drinks, and foods with higher acidity can all wear away the enamel of your teeth and cause discoloring. Water, especially fluoridated water, is the best choice   for your oral health.
  4. Use a Fluoride Toothpaste
    Fluoride helps you fight tooth decay, so it’s especially important to use when you’re considering how to better your oral health. Fluoride can be delivered topically and systemically. Topical fluorides strengthen teeth already present in the mouth, making them more decay resistant, while systemic fluorides are those that are ingested and become incorporated into forming tooth structures. Systemic fluorides also provide topical protection because fluoride is present in saliva, which continually bathes the teeth, according to the American Dental Association. No matter the whitening power or flavor of your toothpaste, just make sure it has fluoride!
  5. Get a Checkup Twice a Year
    Even if you’re doing all of the above to take care of your teeth, they don’t replace the need to visit your dentist regularly. Make sure you schedule a full dental care appointment every six months to ensure that your mouth is staying as healthy as possible.

We believe that your dental visits should be as comfortable and pleasant as possible.

Our staff is dedicated to treating you as a unique individual and to assure that you are happy with the quality and aesthetics of your dental care. If you need to visit the dentist but aren’t sure where to turn, Walden Square Dental can help you out. Give us a call today at 847-223-0110 to schedule an appointment, and visit our website to learn more about the entire team at Walden Square Dental.
